How to Apply for Aid and Attendance
Necessary Documents Needed To Move Forward
There is much information that needs to be gathered and prepared when applying for the Aid & Attendance Improved Pension. Here is a list of the documents you will need, as well as links to documents that you can download some are VA Government Forms others are from us to help you with the process. We will review everything with you before submitting.
There is much information that needs to be gathered and prepared when applying for the Aid & Attendance Improved Pension. Here is a list of the documents you will need, as well as links to documents that you can download some are VA Government Forms others are from us to help you with the process. We will review everything with you before submitting.
Discharge/Separation Papers (DD-214): To request military records you can fill out this Standard Form 180 or, you can visit the National Archives website for instructions on how to request military records.
Copy of Marriage Certificate: All marital information, unless you were never married.
Copy of the Death Certificate: Surviving spouses only.
Copy of current Social Security Award Letter: The letter Social Security sends at the beginning of the year stating what your monthly amount will be for the following year.
Net Worth information: Bank accounts, Assets, CDs, Trusts, Stocks, Bonds, Annuities, etc.
Countable Income Calculation: from pensions, retirement, interest income from investments, annuities, etc.
Court-Appointed Guardian: of the veteran or surviving spouse, you will need to provide a certified copy of the court order of the appointment is required.
Proof of Un-reimbursed Medical Expenses: insurance premiums, medications, medical bills or any other medical expenses that are not reimbursed by insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. List out all un-reimbursed medical expenses.
Doctors & Hospitals: List all visited in the last year. VA Medical Expense Report form.
Physician Statement: Including current diagnosis, medical status, prognosis, name and address, ability to care for self, ability to travel unattended, etc.
Assisted Living Status Statement: If you are a veteran in a nursing home, or a family member of a veteran in a nursing home, you can use this form as a certification of that status or ask the facility if they have one already in place.
Banking Information: for Direct Deposit for monthly payments from A&A, include a voided check.
Employment history: Unless you are over 65 years of age
Complete Necessary VA Forms
Once you have this information compiled, you will need to obtain and complete VA Form 21-527EZ and/or VA Form 21-534EZ for Special Improved benefits with Aid & Attendance. These forms can be downloaded in PDF format here:
Once you have this information compiled, you will need to obtain and complete VA Form 21-527EZ and/or VA Form 21-534EZ for Special Improved benefits with Aid & Attendance. These forms can be downloaded in PDF format here: