Living Legacy Senior Care East
First class assisted living group home. All private rooms. Some with shared toilet and shower. Also private suites. Calm surroundings and cheerful residents. Monthly rates are all inclusive.
Living Legacy Senior Care East - Bo McCann
8241 E Quarterline Rd, Mesa AZ 85207
8241 E Quarterline Rd, Mesa AZ 85207
Languages: English
Cuisine Offered
Good old fashioned home cooking.
Good old fashioned home cooking.
Types Of Care Provided
Special Accommodations
Wheel Chairs, Walkers
Wheel Chairs, Walkers
Care Staff
- Certified Caregiver
- Manager
- Awake Staff
Bedroom & Bathroom Type
Room Type Description
All rooms are single occupancy. Some with shared toilet and shower, some are private suites with private bathroom. All rooms have vanity in room w/sink.
All rooms are single occupancy. Some with shared toilet and shower, some are private suites with private bathroom. All rooms have vanity in room w/sink.
10 person Capacity
Private Room Starting Price
$3,500.00 |
Types of Payment Accepted
Private Pay, Long Term Care Insurance, VA Benefits
Private Pay, Long Term Care Insurance, VA Benefits
The features and amenities that are displayed on this page contain marketing information provided by the community.
To conduct a complete investigation, seniors and their families should:
To conduct a complete investigation, seniors and their families should:
- Tour any listed location to confirm accuracy of the community description
- Confirm that the community offers services that are required for the senior"s specific needs and budget
- Check additional licensing and state audit information